Individual Coaching

Most traditional therapies adopt a negative reinforcement pattern by dissecting whats “wrong.” Organic Intelligence chooses a broader perspective, focusing on expanding what is already right, easeful, and naturally resourced within each of us. This approach broadens our capacity over time to tend whatever challenges arise in our lives with greater ease and resilience. By helping the nervous system discover its most natural, pleasurable rhythm, and by accessing more ease in the body, we liberate space and energy to pursue more meaningful endeavors in life. Our attention becomes primed to experience greater connection and joy.

Our bodies are intrinsically linked to the natural world, and our nervous system resonates with the rhythms of life: the cycles of day and night, the changing seasons, and the phases of the Moon, just as it does with the inhale and exhale of breath. Aligning with our true nature and reconnecting with the natural environment in the present moment can lead us into naturally healing rhythms, where we become attuned to the support for life that surrounds us, realizing that we are not separate from it. Accessing this can feel like a true homecoming.

Organic Intelligence

“We’re all just walking

each other home”

-Ram Dass